Tecnología educativa de última generación para el enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje

Comparto parte del material que trabajé durante mi estancia en la universidad de Cartagena donde dicté la conferencia titulada: “Tecnología educativa de última generación para el enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje”.

Aquí parte del contenido que revisamos en el evento: Tecnología educativa de última generación para el enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje. Cartagena, Colombia. Del 1 al 4 de noviembre de 2023

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Foro de Comunicación: Futurible 2023

Nueva Teoría Estratégica: Paradigma para recibir al futuro.
4 y 5 de octubre de 2023. De 10 a 12:30 h (hora de México)

Nueva Teoría Estratégica en la revolución industrial 4.0

Mesa 4: Nueva Teoría Estratégica en la revolución industrial 4.0. Dispositivos.
(11:30 hrs. a 13:00 hrs)

Modera: Dr. Fernando Gutierrez. México.
Director División de Humanidades y Educación. ITESM. México.

Tema 1: Inteligencia artificial
Invitado: Francisco Chávez. México.
Head of eCommerce en Cervexxa.mx

Tema 2: Redes sociales
Invitado: Enrique Bustamante Martínez. México.
Presidente en Instituto Global de Comunicación y Expresión Pública. México

Tema 3: Transmedia
Invitado: Dr. Jerónimo León Rivera. Colombia.
Universidad La Sabana. Experto en Audiovisual y Cine.

Tema 4: Cibercultura
Invitado: Dr. Jesus Galindo. México.
Director de GICOM. Docente e investigador.

Tema 5: Analítica de Datos
Invitado: Maricarmen Jiménez. México.
Consultora experta en Big Data, Data Science y Analítica de datos.

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Exploring the Limits of Artificial Intelligence in the Artistic Domain

Some months ago, nobody was talking about artificial intelligence, but now things are different. Many magazines have designated 2023 as the year of artificial intelligence. Anyway, the challenges we are witnessing today with the introduction of artificial intelligence are not very different from what we saw several years ago with the advent of the Internet and computers, and other devices. Artificial intelligence is being used to perform various tasks that can undoubtedly bring great benefits to different fields. However, this intriguing technology still has limitations when it comes to its capacity. Artificial intelligence still lacks the competence that some human beings possess to understand and reflect the meaning and cultural context of their creations or productions. Humans can think abstractly and find innovative solutions that go beyond the limits of available data.

The Limits of Artificial Intelligence

This was part of my presentation at the 24th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association which took place at Fordham University, in New York City.

An AI language model can assist in the artistic field in several ways. Here are some things an AI model can do (OpenAI, 2023):

  1. Generate poetry and song lyrics: AI can compose poems in different styles and themes, as well as assist in writing song lyrics.
  2. Aid in creative writing: AI can provide ideas, suggestions, and help develop plots, characters, and dialogues for plays, novels, short stories, scripts, and more.
  3. Create visual descriptions: AI can help paint detailed and vivid mental images by describing landscapes, scenes, or any other visual elements.
  4. Design artistic or band names: If you need a creative stage name for yourself or your band, AI can assist in generating original and appealing ideas.
  5. Provide artistic information and knowledge: AI can answer questions related to artists, artistic movements, styles, famous artworks, music, and more.
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