Disinformation and Political Propaganda in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

A significant shift is currently underway in the disinformation industry. We are transitioning from the era of disinformation fueled by fake news and social media to disinformation on a larger scale generated through artificial intelligence (AI). Therefore, the objective of this text is to analyze this disinformation phenomenon, catalyzed by social media and AI, from the media ecology perspective. This work is divided into two parts. In the first part of the text, we analyze the disinformation phenomenon, highlighting the involvement of certain governments. In the second part of the text, we focus on recognizing the effects that can arise from the use of AI within the extensive landscape of the disinformation industry.

Disinformation and Political Propaganda in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.

This presentation stems from a paper written by my colleagues and friends Octavio Islas, Amaia Arribas, and myself. The text will be published in the special issue on Artificial Intelligence of our journal Explorations in Media Ecology (EME).

You will read the complete article soon.

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La ecología de medios: un ambiente y un territorio complejos por reconocer

Comparto esta editorial que se presenta en el VOL. 27 NÚM. 1 (2024) dedicada a la ecología de los medios. Este trabajo fue producto de mis queridos amigos Octavio Islas, Amaia Arribas, Lance Strate y un servidor para la revista científica Palabra Clave de la Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia. Espero resulte de su interés.

La versión original la pueden encontrar aquí:

Editorial: La ecología de medios: un ambiente y un territorio complejos por reconocer.

Para citar este editorial / to reference this editorial / Islas-Carmona, O., Gutiérrez-Cortés, F., Arribas-Urrutia, A. y Strate, L. (2024). La ecología de medios: un ambiente y un territorio complejos por reconocer. Palabra Clave, 27(1), e2711. https://doi.org/10.5294/pacla.2024.27.1.1

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Visualización de la información en la era de la inteligencia artificial: reflexiones y consideraciones de primer plano

Comparto material de la conferencia que dicté en la UAM Azcapotzalco el 25 de marzo de 2024. En el marco del Segundo Coloquio Internacional Multidisciplinario y Transdisciplinario de
Visualización de la Información (MUTVI).


Agradezco a la UAM Azcapotzalco la invitación.

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Why Media Still Matter?

This is a great opportunity to hear Dr. Lance Strate and Dr. Thom Gencarelli discuss the relevance of media. These two esteemed academics delve into the impact of technologies such as oral and written word, press, radio, television, internet, and even artificial intelligence in this video. Why is Media Ecology also important? What relationship does it have with General Semantics? If you’re interested in these topics, I invite you to watch the video.

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MIL Cities and ESG Principles

Comparto, la presentación que utilicé en el WEBINAR que organizaron el Dr. Felipe Chibás Ortiz, International Co-líder del Grupo de Innovación de UNESCO MIL Alliance y el Dr. Emmanuel Komi Kounakou, Director de PAFEME, Líder de la Iniciativa MILCities initiative para Canada y Africa.


Aquí los datos del Webinar:

Key Details:
Language: English
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Time: 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM Brazilian Time / 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM GMT
Co-Moderators: Dr. Felipe Chibás Ortiz, Associate Professor at the Latin American Integration Program,
University of São Paulo. International Co-leader of the Innovation Group, UNESCO MIL Alliance
Dr. Emmanuel Komi Kounakou, Director of PAFEME, Leader of MIL Cities initiative in Canada and Africa.


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Desentrañanado la revolución de la inteligencia artificial en el campo de la comunicación.

Comparto parte del material que utilice en la conferencia inaugural del Coloquio Inteligencia artificial, presente y futuro, que organizó la Maestría en Comunicación y Política, en el marco de los eventos del 50 Aniversario de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM). El tuvo lugar el 29 de noviembre, en las instalaciones de la UAM Xochimilco.

El título de la conferencia fue Desentrañanado la revolución de la inteligencia artificial en el campo de la comunicación.

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Tecnología educativa de última generación para el enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje

Comparto parte del material que trabajé durante mi estancia en la universidad de Cartagena donde dicté la conferencia titulada: “Tecnología educativa de última generación para el enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje”.

Aquí parte del contenido que revisamos en el evento: Tecnología educativa de última generación para el enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje. Cartagena, Colombia. Del 1 al 4 de noviembre de 2023

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Exploring the Limits of Artificial Intelligence in the Artistic Domain

Some months ago, nobody was talking about artificial intelligence, but now things are different. Many magazines have designated 2023 as the year of artificial intelligence. Anyway, the challenges we are witnessing today with the introduction of artificial intelligence are not very different from what we saw several years ago with the advent of the Internet and computers, and other devices. Artificial intelligence is being used to perform various tasks that can undoubtedly bring great benefits to different fields. However, this intriguing technology still has limitations when it comes to its capacity. Artificial intelligence still lacks the competence that some human beings possess to understand and reflect the meaning and cultural context of their creations or productions. Humans can think abstractly and find innovative solutions that go beyond the limits of available data.

The Limits of Artificial Intelligence

This was part of my presentation at the 24th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association which took place at Fordham University, in New York City.

An AI language model can assist in the artistic field in several ways. Here are some things an AI model can do (OpenAI, 2023):

  1. Generate poetry and song lyrics: AI can compose poems in different styles and themes, as well as assist in writing song lyrics.
  2. Aid in creative writing: AI can provide ideas, suggestions, and help develop plots, characters, and dialogues for plays, novels, short stories, scripts, and more.
  3. Create visual descriptions: AI can help paint detailed and vivid mental images by describing landscapes, scenes, or any other visual elements.
  4. Design artistic or band names: If you need a creative stage name for yourself or your band, AI can assist in generating original and appealing ideas.
  5. Provide artistic information and knowledge: AI can answer questions related to artists, artistic movements, styles, famous artworks, music, and more.
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Derechos personales, violencia y otras conductas en internet

El seminario titulado “Derechos personales, violencia y otras conductas en internet”, tuvo lugar los días: miércoles 3 y jueves 4 de mayo, en el Aula Magna de la Universidad Panamericana, campus Mixcoac.

Mi participación fue en la mesa 6 (jueves 4 de mayo) hablando sobre el tema de los discursos de odio en Internet (Tiempo: 02:12:00)

Discurso de odio en Internet
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